
Welcome to the CUSCS alumni community

個人資料 Personal Particulars (* 此欄必須填寫 Mandatory)

中文姓名 *
Name in Chinese

(必須與香港身份證或護照相同 Please print as on HKID card or passport)

英文姓名 *
Name in English

姓氏 Surname 名字 First Name

(必須與香港身份證或護照相同 Please print as on HKID card or passport)

Student ID


先生 Mr. 小姐 Miss 太太 Mrs. 女士 Ms.

Programme Type

學位銜接課程或以上Top-up Undergraduate Degree Programme or above
全日制高級文憑課程 Full-time Higher Diploma Programme
全日制基礎教育文憑課程Full-time Diploma Programme in Foundation Studies
兼讀制證書及文憑 /
Part-time Certificate and Diploma / Professional Programme
短期課程 General Course
其他 (請註明)Others (Please specify)

Programme Name

流動電話 *
Mobile Phone

電子郵箱 *
E-mail Address

您有意回饋母校嗎?(可作多項選擇)Are you interested in giving back to your alma mater? (You may choose more than one option)
      To help organise events / activities
      As a guest speaker to share study / work experience with current students / alumni,
      please specify the theme:
      To offer scholarships to current students
      To provide internships / company visits / job opportunities, please specify:
      To provide purchase benefits from your organisation , please specify:
      Others, please specify:

個人資料收集聲明 Personal Data Collection Statement
  1. 此表格內所提供的個人資料將供本學院職員向申請人推廣學院最新資訊,包括任何舉辦之活動、開辦之課程、各項優惠及服務、募捐活動及其他與校友事務有關之活動。除受委託的顧問研究及調查公司外,這些個人資料不會轉交予大學以外的其他機構作上述用途。
    The personal data provided in this form will be used by CUSCS staff for delivering information including any events and functions to be held, courses to be organised, discount, benefit and service offers, solicitation of donations and other alumni affairs related activities. This personal data will not be transferred to other external parties for purposes as stated above, except commissioned research consultants and agencies for marketing activities as stated above.
  2. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權查閱及更改其個人資料。申請人如需更改其個人資料,請於學院網頁下載及填妥「學員個人資料更改通知書」後交回本院,或按此辦理。
    Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to, and to request the correction of, their personal data. Applicants wishing to amend their data should submit written requests to CUSCS by using Personal Data Amendment Forms which can be downloaded from CUSCS website or click here to proceed the online form.
If you do not wish to receive information as stated in point 1 of this statement, please indicate your objection by ticking the box. You may at any time unsubscribe from our mailing list here.
I have noted, understood and agreed the contents of the Personal Data Collection Statement.
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